After recovery from TB, Cat Stevens started looking for answers to the questions that were haunting him. He began reading and studying many different spiritual teachings such as Eastern Mysticism, meditation, numerology, tarot cards and astrology.
He started reflecting his thoughts in his music.
One of his songs which express his quest for the truth at the time is
“On the Road to Find Out”:
Well i left my happy home to see what i could find out
I left my folk and friends with the aim to clear my mind out
Well i hit the rowdy road and many kinds i met there
Many stories told me of the way to get there
So on and on i go, the seconds tick the time out
There's so much left to know, and i'm on the road to find out
Well in the end i'll know, but on the way i wonder
Through descending snow, and through the frost and thunder
Well, i listen to the wind come howl, telling me i have to hurry
I listen to the robin's song saying not to worry
So on and on i go, the seconds tick the time out
There's so much left to know, and i'm on the road to findout
Then i found myself alone, hopin' someone would miss me
Thinking about my home, and the last woman to kiss me, kiss me
But sometimes you have to moan when nothing seems to suit yer
But nevertheless you know you're locked towards the future
So on and on you go, the seconds tick the time out
There's so much left to know, and i'm on the road to findout
Then i found my head one day when i wasn't even trying
And here i have to say, 'cause there is no use in lying, lying
Yes the answer lies within, so why not take a look now?
Kick out the devil's sin, pick up, pick up a good book now
Finally, he found the good book is the Quran and he became a muslim.
Aren’t we proud to be Muslims?

design by Sabau
luv this song... :')
BalasPadamluv dis cat... :p
BalasPadamnice blog fir. keep up the gud work.
BalasPadamPasal yusuf islam ni, ada org berpendapat dia akan lebih berjaya menyampaikan dakwahnya jika dia mengekalkan imej lamanya sbg cat steven. What say u fir?-syuk
BalasPadamslalu jugak pk cmtu.
sbb sejarah cat stevens ni mcm dh dlupakan. sdgkn around 1970s dulu dia penyanyi yg top. lagu2 dia pnh dok no 1 dlm carta2 kt UK dan US. even smpai skrg, byk lagu2 dia dmainkan dlm filem2, tp org xtau tu lagu dia. byk jugak lagu2 dia yg dnyanyikan semula oleh penyanyi lain.
tp skrg bila dia nk masuk blk dlm dunia muzik, popularity dia dh abis. org dh x knal dia. sbb dh 30 thn dia meninggalkn gitar. crowd dia dh mengecik.
sume ni mungkin ada hikmah di sebaliknya. kita x tau. tp apa yg penting kita amik pengajaran drp apa yg dialaminya dan apa yg berlaku di sekitarnya.
smpai skrg pn ramai je org2 agama yg x setuju dia kembali main gitar. ramai yg masih berpandangan gitar tu haram. malah ada juga di kalangan mereka yg mengharamkan muzik. pandangan ni bkn stkt d luar negara, kt malaysia pn ada.
tp kita x bleh salahkan dia masa dia amik keputusan tu dulu. sbb masa tu dia muallaf. dia x mampu lg menilai mana 1 pandangan yg kuat dan mana 1 yg lemah. mungkin pandangan golongan yg mengharamkan muzik lebih dominan padanya dulu. mungkin dia pn xtau adanya khilaf dlm perkara ni. apa yg dia wat, dia amik keputusan yg drasakan 'selamat'..
lagu2 dia dulu ada byk msg2 yg baik, yg bleh mempengaruhi crowd yg jauh lbh besar dr skrg. malah kebaikannya melalui msg2 dlm muziknya dan jugak aktiviti2 kemanusiaan yg byk dia buat masa tu patutnya bleh menjadi alat dakwah yg baik.
tp x guna kita bercakap ttg pkr yg dh lps. sbb kita xkan dpt ubah apa2 yg dh berlaku. apa yg patut kite wat adalah mengambil pengajaran drp apa yg tlh berlaku.
hmmm... pjg citenye.. hehe..